Aahh, my first blog after a long break from the blogosphere. This evening, when i logged into check my blog after like a trillion ages, i sensed a sudden rush in me as i breezed through all the things that I had written so far. And then it made me realise that i hadn’t really spoken to myself this deeply in sooooo long! Well then, here I am, back in action to start a completely new series of some very interesting and deeply opinionated thoughts, straight from my heart!
This morning, as I drove my way to work, I came to a particular signal that I have crossed about a million times in my last six months at Chennai. I waited impatiently for the green light to hit my eye. Just as I moved my fingers over the stereo knob to switch between the radio channels, I heard a faint tap on my window. I looked to my right to find a young girl of about 15-16 years of age standing in front of me and with her hand signals, it was more than obvious that she wanted money from me. She told me in tamil that she hadn’t eaten for nearly a week now and that she also wanted to take some food back home for her younger brother and sister. The woman in me did not investigate her intention or her genuine-ness but instead frantically dug out some change to offer her. She received the money with much elation and joined her hands to thank me. I was simply staring at her, not understanding what to say to her. My silence was broken by loud honking noises of cars behind me which was a signal for me to move ahead.
I am sure each one of us has experienced such a situation plenty of times in our day-to-day lives and you must have come across several such young kids that are left to make a living through such activities. While many of us would argue about the circumstances in which such kids are left to street begging to survive, I am confident that many others would also wonder about how the omnipresence of these youngsters can be reduced in today’s world. In today’s generation where industrialization has revolutionized practically everything around us, isn’t there any way we can collectively ensure that the no child or adolescent is left to wander on the streets and treated as trash. We all, as young minds of our country, have the capability to make a difference to change this scenario. If only, each of us took a resolve to better the life of one such individual, we could save the lives of so many young aspiring minds around us. Think about it!